Looking to connect and serve?
Do you or anyone you know of feel called to serve on the worship team, tech/AV team, or children's ministry?
Are you looking to utilize your gifts to lead in community with a small group, V-Life youth group, or young adult group?
We welcome you, see info below!
Full List of Ministries
Care Ministry - demonstrate the love of God to individuals in time of need
Children’s Ministry Teacher - teach and lead the children on Sunday mornings
Children’s Ministry Aide - assist the teacher in leading a Sunday School class
Community Outreach - reach the community with the love of Christ
Hospitality - foster a comfortable environment by providing refreshments
Multimedia - assist the Sunday morning service through computer/video presentations;
further the ministry of Victory through use of various platforms
Prayer - offer prayer support for the church, leadership and individuals of Victory
Sound - assist the Sunday morning service by providing quality sound
Usher/Greeter - prepare guests by making them feel welcomed, accepted and cared for;
help create an environment that will facilitate purpose of worship service
Worship - help lead the congregation into exalting the Lord during worship
Youth Ministry - teach and disciple young students